domingo, 12 de maio de 2013

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, vol. 52, n.º 2, 2013

Acabou de ser publicada a revista Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, vol. 52, n.º 2, de 2013.

Está aqui, com acesso condicionado.


  • Susanne Grieve, Nicole Wittig, Emily Powell, Conservation of a Rubber Terrain Model Map from World War II, pp. 71-81
  • Carol A. Grissom, Nicole Grabow, Corey Smith Riley, A. Elena Charola, Evaluation of Coating Performance on Silver Exposed to Hydrogen Sulfide, pp. 82-96
  • Elizabeth Hinde, Petronella Nel, Robyn Sloggett, Ann Roberts, Fluorimetric Analysis of the Constituent Dyes Within Daylight Fluorescent Pigments: Implications for Display and Preservation of Daylight Fluorescent Artwork, pp. 97-106
  • Gwen Spicer, Conservation Treatment of a Hunzinger Cantilevered Armchair Including the Use of Magnets to Create Tufting, pp. 107-122
